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信息来源: 发布日期: 2022-09-25浏览次数:


李红敏 山东潍坊人,中共党员,博士,讲师,主要从事污染物的迁移转化、藻类灾害生态学和水生态风险评估等方面研究工作,主讲《水文学》、《生态学》、《环境分析实验技能》等课程。


2018.09—2022.01 中国科学院大学 南京地理与湖泊研究所,环境科学,理学博士;

2015.09—2018.06 山东大学 环境科学与工程学院,环境科学与工程,工学硕士;

2011.09—2015.06 湘潭大学 资源与环境学院,环境工程,工学学士。


1. Li H M, Kang S Q, Gu X H*, et al. The toxicological effects of life-cycle exposure to harmful benthic cyanobacteria Oscillatoria on zebrafish growth and reproduction: A comparative study with planktonic Microcystis. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 912:169302. (IF=9.8TOP期刊)

2. Li H M, Gu X H*, Chen H H, et al. Comparative toxicological effects of planktonic Microcystis and benthic Oscillatoria on zebrafish embryonic development: Implications for cyanobacteria risk assessment. Environmental Pollution. 2021, 274115852. (IF=9.988TOP期刊)

3. Li H M, Pei H Y*, Xu H Z, et al. Behavior of Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii during coagulation and sludge storage - higher potential risk of toxin release than Microcystis aeruginosa? Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018:307. (IF=14.224, TOP期刊,TOP期刊)

4. Li H M, Gu X H*, Chen H H et al. Co-occurrence of multiple cyanotoxins and taste- and - odor compounds in the large eutrophic Lake Taihu, China: Dynamics, driving factors, and challenges for risk assessment. Environmental Pollution, 2022, 294: 118594. (IF=9.988,TOP期刊)

5. Li H M, Chen H H, Gu X H*, et al. Dynamics of cyanobacteria and related environmental drivers in freshwater bodies affected by mitten crab culturing: A study of Lake Guchenghu, China. Water, 2019, 11(12):2468. (SCI, IF=3.53)

6. 李红敏,孙炯明,张莎莎等,拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii)入侵对水生态系统群落结构和物种多样性的影响. 生态学杂志, 2018,37(12):3757-3768. (第一作者)

7. 李红敏,裴海燕,孙炯明等,拟柱孢藻及其毒素的研究进展与展望. 湖泊科学201729( 4) : 775-795. (EI, 第一作者)

8. 谷孝鸿*李红敏,毛志刚等,蓝藻水华与淡水鱼类的生态相互作用研究进展,科学通报. 2021, 66. (EI, 第二作者)

